For many people, the thought of having a dishwasher in their home would fill them with joy. No longer would they have to slave away each day at their sink, washing all of their dishes by hand. However, unlike owning a washing machine, there are some people that own a dishwasher yet still decide to wash all of their dishes by hand. You may be wondering why this is the case. In this article, we will be going through a few reasons why you should or shouldn't use your dishwasher.

Why Shouldn't I Use my Dishwasher?

A dishwasher is something that can waste a lot of energy and water if not used properly. Have you ever found yourself placing one large item on a wash cycle without filling up the rest of the machine? This sort of wash is truly a waste of energy. Although you can't see what goes on during a cycle, it would be the same as washing one sink but letting the tap run for ten minutes after you had already washed it, it is something that you just wouldn't do if you could see it.

For this reason, if you currently live alone, a dishwasher may not be the right option for you, unless you choose one that has a high energy rating or is more compact. As a general rule, if you haven't at least half filled the machine, wait before you run the next cycle. Even at half capacity, it is still not very energy efficient to start a wash. Dishwashers are great appliances and can really help to ease your workload at home, but they should be used properly to be truly efficient.


woman opening up a clean dishwasher with cups and plates inside.

Aren't They a Waste of Time?

If you have become used to washing everything by hand, you may wonder whether dishwashers a big waste of time. After all, if you want something washed now, why not do it yourself?

In fact, if this is what you think then you are partly correct. For something you need to be clean right now, clearly you should wash it in the sink. But this isn't where the dishwasher shines. A dishwasher is perfect for washing huge loads, if you fill the machine completely, it can actually be an incredibly efficient use of time and energy. 


Why Should I Use my Dishwasher?

For larger households, running a cycle while you wash some of dishes by hand can actually be the best of both worlds. This way you can have all of your dishes  clean that you need immediately, while also cleaning a larger load with minimal effort. On top of this, you can get through a large amount of dishes in one go. If your work surfaces become full of dishes in no time then having this option is great so you can free up some much needed space for preparing food.

This is a great solution for anyone with a lot of mouths to feed as dishes can pile up without warning, leaving your surfaces messy and unusable. In this situation, washing by hand can seem like an incredibly daunting task, whereas loading a machine can be an absolute breeze.


So if you are wondering whether or not to load your dishwasher, or to do it by hand. Think carefully about the size of the load that you are washing as well as exactly when you need them to be washed. This way you can use your dishwasher to its full potential. If you are looking to purchase a dishwasher, it is important that you choose the one that is right for you. Make sure to talk to a specialist to get expert advice on the dishwasher that will suit your needs.